Refund & Return & Cancellation Policy
254 Chapman Rd, Ste 209
Newark, DE 19702
Please contact us via phone or email if you decide you want to return a product. If you receive your order, and are not 100% satisfied, you have 30 days to return it for a full refund to your original payment method. Please read the following below to proceed with a return.
Please feel free to get in touch with us and express why you were not satisfied! This will allow us to take feedback and improve!
1: Please reach out and contact us via email first in order to initiate your return process.
2: Product must be in good condition (unless it was received damaged).
3: You may Include your order # or name on your returned package for quicker processing, however this is optional.
4: Kindly make sure to ship out to the return address provided to you.
Damages or Issues
Please inspect your order once it is delivered. If the product is incorrect, damaged, defective, or you are simply not 100% satisfied, please contact us immediately so we can assist with the next steps. We want to ensure you are 100% satisfied and are delivered with the quality you rightfully deserve. We will assist you immediately and make things right, or provide a full refund.
Once your return is received, it will be processed by our dedicated team (within 24 hours of receiving). Your full refund will be issued back to your original payment method within 24 hours. Kindly note that it may take roughly 5-10 business days to fully process and reflect on your statement, however it may be sooner at times.
Yes, Cancellations are accepted after you have placed an order. We understand that mistakes can happen, or you might have had a change of plans. To initiate a cancellation, please get in touch with us and share your Order Number within 2 days of placing your order. This ensures a timely cancellation process and a full reimbursement to your original payment method.